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Jockey Index

Venue: Durbanville
Date: Saturday, 07 September 2024
Jockey (Ascending)
[Collapse] Anthony Andrews
 1 BEER WITH THE BOYS 4 14:201400mMdn Plate160 Justin Snaith
 12 NIGHT TIGER 7 16:051250mClass 41058.5 Candice Bass-Robinson
 8 SUGAR MOUNTAIN 8 16:401250mCape A Stks861.5 Candice Bass-Robinson
[Collapse] Corne Orffer
 10 ZEITZ 2 13:101250mOpen Mdn1059 Andre Nel
 10 LATE DECEMBER 4 14:201400mMdn Plate1057 Greg Ennion
 2 ETOILEFILLANTE 6 15:301800mCape C Stks260 D A McLachlan
 14 PRINCE OF TIBET 7 16:051250mClass 41256 Piet Steyn
 3 WE'RE JAMMING 8 16:401250mCape A Stks358.5 Justin Snaith
[Collapse] Craig Bantam
 9 SWEET NOTHINGS 1 12:351000mMdn Plate858 Justin Snaith
 11 LEE VALLEY 2 13:101250mOpen Mdn1159 Justin Snaith
[Collapse] Craig Zackey
 7 BE MERRY 1 12:351000mMdn Plate758 Justin Snaith
 9 BOUNDLESS ENERGY 2 13:101250mOpen Mdn959 Candice Bass-Robinson
 10 JOUEUR DE FLUTE 3 13:451400mMdn Plate957 Eric Sands
 7 SECRET PASSAGE 4 14:201400mMdn Plate757 Justin Snaith
 7 JET TO THE SUN 5 14:551600mMdn Plate760 Justin Snaith
 11 GREENLAND 6 15:301800mCape C Stks1160 Justin Snaith
 10 ONE LINER 7 16:051250mClass 4854.5 HWJ Crawford/M Rix
 6 WECANGOALLNIGHT 8 16:401250mCape A Stks658.5 Eric Sands
[Collapse] Denis Schwarz
 12 GOLDEN IDEAL 1 12:351000mMdn Plate1158 Mike Stewart
 5 ANALYTIC 2 13:101250mOpen Mdn557 Lunga Gila
 1 ON MY HONOUR 3 13:451400mMdn Plate157 Glen Kotzen
 2 FAIRFIELD 5 14:551600mMdn Plate260 Glen Kotzen
 1 MOHANDAS 6 15:301800mCape C Stks158.5 Lunga Gila
 5 TRIPPI'S SILK 7 16:051250mClass 4456.5 Candice Bass-Robinson
 10 UNDERWORLD 8 16:401250mCape A Stks1055.5 Justin Snaith
[Collapse] Devin Ashby
 11 PALPABLE 1 12:351000mMdn Plate1058 HWJ Crawford/M Rix
 8 TYPICALLY FRENCH 2 13:101250mOpen Mdn854.5 Paul Reeves
 3 FLYING BOMB 3 13:451400mMdn Plate357 D A McLachlan
 6 GLOBAL ROCK 4 14:201400mMdn Plate657 Patrick Kruyer
 4 TOTHEMOONANDBACK 6 15:301800mCape C Stks457 D A McLachlan
 9 AFTER THE RAIN 8 16:401250mCape A Stks954 Patrick Kruyer
[Collapse] Gareth Wright
 6 FIRINGONALLENGINES 2 13:101250mOpen Mdn660 HWJ Crawford/M Rix
 8 ROYAL PORT LOUIS 4 14:201400mMdn Plate860 Brett Crawford
 4 WHITE WATERS 5 14:551600mMdn Plate457 Vaughan Marshall
 6 JOIN THE DOTS 6 15:301800mCape C Stks658.5 Brett Crawford
 11 WISSA'S ON FIRE 7 16:051250mClass 4960.5 G van Zyl (Jnr)
 12 BEREAVE 8 16:401250mCape A Stks1261.5 Adam Marcus
[Collapse] Joshwin Solomons
 7 OREGON 2 13:101250mOpen Mdn754 Patrick Kruyer
[Collapse] Juan Paul V'D Merwe
 1 LOVE STORY 1 12:351000mMdn Plate158 Piet Steyn
 2 NOBLE STEED 2 13:101250mOpen Mdn259 Justin Snaith
 5 BOUNDLESS LOVE 3 13:451400mMdn Plate557 Justin Snaith
 3 PAST AND PRESENT 4 14:201400mMdn Plate357 Justin Snaith
 5 DI ROSA 5 14:551600mMdn Plate560 G van Zyl (Jnr)
 3 KWITE A KING 6 15:301800mCape C Stks361.5 Justin Snaith
 2 WAR CHARIOT 7 16:051250mClass 4260 HWJ Crawford/M Rix
 7 QUESTIONING 8 16:401250mCape A Stks761.5 Vaughan Marshall
[Collapse] Keanen Steyn
 10 FLEUR DE VILLE 1 12:351000mMdn Plate958 Piet Botha
 1 AM STILL WINNING 5 14:551600mMdn Plate157 Piet Botha
 9 MELA STRENGTH 6 15:301800mCape C Stks958.5 Peter Wrensch
 13 FUTURE VARIETY 8 16:401250mCape A Stks1361.5 Candice Bass-Robinson
[Collapse] Luyolo Mxothwa
 3 PINK PIGEON 1 12:351000mMdn Plate358 Brett Crawford
 1 RIVER HAWK 2 13:101250mOpen Mdn159 Brett Crawford
 6 DUBBELOSIX 3 13:451400mMdn Plate657 Brett Crawford
 9 GIVETHATMANABELLS 4 14:201400mMdn Plate960 L V Woodruff
 8 SANSA STARK 5 14:551600mMdn Plate860 Piet Botha
 10 SUDDEN SONG 6 15:301800mCape C Stks1060 Brett Crawford
 8 KING OF SPIN 7 16:051250mClass 4658.5 Brett Crawford
 5 ZAPATILLAS 8 16:401250mCape A Stks561.5 Brett Crawford
[Collapse] Mpumelelo Mjoka
 4 MRS SHACKLETON 1 12:351000mMdn Plate460 Mike Stewart
 3 GRAND BAY 7 16:051250mClass 4358.5 Brett Crawford
 4 ZIL MORIS 8 16:401250mCape A Stks455.5 Brett Crawford
[Collapse] Oswald Noach
 8 GNARLY 3 13:451400mMdn Plate757 Vaughan Marshall
 2 STATEHOOD 4 14:201400mMdn Plate257 Candice Bass-Robinson
 5 NAUSHON 6 15:301800mCape C Stks555.5 Vaughan Marshall
 9 WINTER PEARL 7 16:051250mClass 4757.5 Ricky Maingard
 11 LOOK FOR HOUNDS 8 16:401250mCape A Stks1158.5 Vaughan Marshall
[Collapse] Richard Fourie
 4 BOUNCEBACK 2 13:101250mOpen Mdn459 Justin Snaith
 2 ARDABIL 3 13:451400mMdn Plate257 Justin Snaith
 4 CUMBRE VIEJA 4 14:201400mMdn Plate457 Vaughan Marshall
 3 EXQUISITE 5 14:551600mMdn Plate357 Brett Crawford
 7 IGNATIUS 6 15:301800mCape C Stks758.5 Piet Steyn
 7 PLEASE BE TRUE 7 16:051250mClass 4555.5 Justin Snaith
 1 SILVER FALCON 8 16:401250mCape A Stks161.5 Justin Snaith
[Collapse] Robert Khathi
 6 MIDWICKET 1 12:351000mMdn Plate658 Mike Stewart
 9 JOHNNY DRAMA 3 13:451400mMdn Plate857 Candice Bass-Robinson
 1 MIGHTY MAC 7 16:051250mClass 4158 Paul Reeves
 2 PORT LOUIS 8 16:401250mCape A Stks260 Brett Crawford
[Collapse] Sean Veale
 2 TIMELINE 1 12:351000mMdn Plate258 Vaughan Marshall
 4 MR BELVEDERE 3 13:451400mMdn Plate460 Vaughan Marshall
 5 NOBLE HERO 4 14:201400mMdn Plate557 D A McLachlan
 6 FORGOTTEN SONG 5 14:551600mMdn Plate657 Vaughan Marshall
 8 TOUCHDOWN 6 15:301800mCape C Stks860 Vaughan Marshall
 13 PARATROOPER 7 16:051250mClass 41159.5 Vaughan Marshall
 14 SILVER OPERATOR 8 16:401250mCape A Stks1461.5 Vaughan Marshall
[Collapse] Xavier Carstens
 5 ALESSIA ASHEVILLE 1 12:351000mMdn Plate558 Andries Steyn
 3 BLAME IT ON ME 2 13:101250mOpen Mdn354 Andries Steyn
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