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(DAM) Spectre Lady

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races (if available)
Race DateVenue  HorseSireJockeyTrainerDistFinishDrLBHTime
2019-11-11Flamingo Filter MASTER KUYNO Filter Potala Palace Mathew ThackerayS von Willingh Smit Filter 1000 Filter 4 53.0058.84
2019-12-02Flamingo Filter MASTER KUYNO Filter Potala Palace Mathew ThackerayS Von Willingh Smit Filter 1200 Filter 2 42.5074.03
2020-10-27Kenilworth Filter LADY ISABELLA Filter Blue Tiger Luyolo MxothwaPiet Botha Filter 1200 Filter 4 23.7573.35
2021-05-25Fairview Filter LADY ISABELLA Filter Blue Tiger Keanen SteynJacques Strydom Filter 1600 Filter 4 53.1098.50
2021-09-17Fairview Filter LADY ISABELLA Filter Blue Tiger Ryan MungerJacques Strydom Filter 1600 Filter 4 13.0098.86
2021-10-22Fairview Filter LADY ISABELLA Filter Blue Tiger Raymond DanielsonJacques Strydom Filter 1600 Filter 3 121.7598.00
2021-12-31Fairview Filter LADY ISABELLA Filter Blue Tiger Chase MaujeanJacques Strydom Filter 1600 Filter 1 7-0.1097.49
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