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(DAM) Rose Of Tralee

Filters used: Horse = 'FORRIES ON FRIDAY'; Sire = ''; Dist > ''; Finish < '';
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races (if available)
Race DateVenue  HorseSireJockeyTrainerDistFinishDrLBHTime
2020-06-12Fairview Filter FORRIES ON FRIDAY Filter Soft Falling Rain Stallone NaidooGavin Smith Filter 1200 Filter 2 11.0072.79
2020-06-26Fairview Filter FORRIES ON FRIDAY Filter Soft Falling Rain Stallone NaidooGavin Smith Filter 1400 Filter 2 50.5088.94
2020-07-10Fairview Filter FORRIES ON FRIDAY Filter Soft Falling Rain Stallone NaidooGavin Smith Filter 1600 Filter 6 310.3098.31
2020-07-24Fairview Filter FORRIES ON FRIDAY Filter Soft Falling Rain Stallone NaidooGavin Smith Filter 1400 Filter 7 79.0088.09
2020-08-28Fairview Filter FORRIES ON FRIDAY Filter Soft Falling Rain Wayne AgrellaGavin Smith Filter 1200 Filter 16 1012.1573.09
2020-11-16Fairview Filter FORRIES ON FRIDAY Filter Soft Falling Rain Marco V'RensburgGavin Smith Filter 1200 Filter 3 52.1071.64
2020-12-18Fairview Filter FORRIES ON FRIDAY Filter Soft Falling Rain Marco V'RensburgGavin Smith Filter 1200 Filter 9 26.1072.32
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