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(DAM) Rose Of Tralee

Filters used: Horse = ''; Sire = 'Master Of My Fate'; Dist > ''; Finish < '';
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races (if available)
Race DateVenue  HorseSireJockeyTrainerDistFinishDrLBHTime
2022-11-15Vaal Filter PEMBROKE Filter Master Of My Fate Joe GwingwizhaMike de Kock Filter 1450 Filter 6 17.7589.52
2022-12-08Vaal Filter PEMBROKE Filter Master Of My Fate Muzi YeniMike de Kock Filter 1450 Filter 6 510.7587.40
2023-01-26Turffontein Filter PEMBROKE Filter Master Of My Fate Nathan KlinkMike de Kock Filter 1160 Filter 5 62.7568.65
2023-04-13Vaal Filter PEMBROKE Filter Master Of My Fate Chamu MabayaMike de Kock Filter 1200 Filter 2 95.0071.90
2023-06-13Vaal Filter PEMBROKE Filter Master Of My Fate Kaidan BrewerMike de Kock Filter 1400 Filter 6 74.5083.14
2023-08-04Fairview Filter PEMBROKE Filter Master Of My Fate Muzi YeniKelly Mitchley Filter 1200 Filter 3 81.2569.76
2023-08-28Fairview Filter PEMBROKE Filter Master Of My Fate Muzi YeniKelly Mitchley Filter 1400 Filter 1 1-4.2583.08
2023-10-27Fairview Filter PEMBROKE Filter Master Of My Fate Muzi YeniKelly Mitchley Filter 1300 Filter 9 55.3076.88
2023-12-19Fairview Filter PEMBROKE Filter Master Of My Fate Chase MaujeanKelly Mitchley Filter 1600 Filter 1 5-0.1097.48
2024-01-26Fairview Filter PEMBROKE Filter Master Of My Fate Muzi YeniKelly Mitchley Filter 1400 Filter 4 32.2585.02
2024-03-22Fairview Filter PEMBROKE Filter Master Of My Fate S'Manga KhumaloKelly Mitchley Filter 1600 Filter 4 91.8596.35
2024-04-12Fairview Filter PEMBROKE Filter Master Of My Fate S'Manga KhumaloKelly Mitchley Filter 1600 Filter 1 5-0.7595.28
2024-07-05Fairview Filter PEMBROKE Filter Master Of My Fate Marco V'RensburgKelly Mitchley Filter 1600 Filter 8 64.0595.57
2024-07-26Fairview Filter PEMBROKE Filter Master Of My Fate S'Manga KhumaloKelly Mitchley Filter 1600 Filter 2 113.2597.84
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