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(DAM) Beshaayir (AUS)

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races (if available)
Race DateVenue  HorseSireJockeyTrainerDistFinishDrLBHTime
2021-07-24Kenilworth Filter TAKE TO WAR Filter Vercingetorix Oswald NoachPeter Wrensch Filter 1000 Filter 4 11.0063.58
2021-09-04Kenilworth Filter TAKE TO WAR Filter Vercingetorix Oswald NoachPeter Wrensch Filter 1200 Filter 2 20.4078.28
2021-10-20Kenilworth Filter TAKE TO WAR Filter Vercingetorix Oswald NoachPeter Wrensch Filter 1200 Filter 10 18.6574.67
2021-12-04Kenilworth Filter TAKE TO WAR Filter Vercingetorix Bernard Fayd'HerbePeter Wrensch Filter 1600 Filter 8 29.50102.44
2022-05-25Greyville Filter TAKE TO WAR Filter Vercingetorix Serino MoodleyGarth Puller Filter 1200 Filter 8 67.1071.22
2022-07-10Scottsville Filter TAKE TO WAR Filter Vercingetorix Serino MoodleyGarth Puller Filter 2400 Filter 2 36.60154.11
2022-08-14Scottsville Filter TAKE TO WAR Filter Vercingetorix Serino MoodleyGarth Puller Filter 2400 Filter 2 21.60158.77
2022-11-25Greyville Filter TAKE TO WAR Filter Vercingetorix Serino MoodleyGarth Puller Filter 2200 Filter 1 3-0.10142.20
2023-01-30Greyville Filter TAKE TO WAR Filter Vercingetorix Serino MoodleyGarth Puller Filter 2000 Filter 6 86.95123.14
2023-11-11Scottsville Filter TAKE TO WAR Filter Vercingetorix Athandiwe MgudlwaGarth Puller Filter 1950 Filter 10 110.55119.58
2024-02-11Scottsville Filter TAKE TO WAR Filter Vercingetorix Athandiwe MgudlwaGarth Puller Filter 1200 Filter 10 45.3570.56
2024-04-01Scottsville Filter TAKE TO WAR Filter Vercingetorix Siphesihle HlengwaGarth Puller Filter 1400 Filter 9 810.1085.98
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