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races (if available)
Race DateVenue  HorseDamJockeyTrainerDistFinishDrLBHTime
2018-11-08Vaal Filter WESTERN OASIS Filter Anne Bonny Carlos Herrera GomezPaul Peter Filter 1200 Filter 4 41.2071.42
2018-11-18Scottsville Filter WESTERN OASIS Filter Anne Bonny Lyle HewitsonPaul Peter Filter 1400 Filter 8 913.0587.40
2019-02-21Vaal Filter WESTERN OASIS Filter Anne Bonny Chad LittlePaul Peter Filter 1200 Filter 9 47.1071.43
2019-03-09Turffontein Filter WESTERN OASIS Filter Anne Bonny Lyle HewitsonPaul Peter Filter 1000 Filter 5 58.4560.21
2019-03-23Turffontein Filter WESTERN OASIS Filter Anne Bonny Lyle HewitsonPaul Peter Filter 1000 Filter 4 41.8560.34
2019-04-04Vaal Filter WESTERN OASIS Filter Anne Bonny Charles C T NdlovuPaul Peter Filter 1200 Filter 6 94.5072.34
2019-05-11Turffontein Filter WESTERN OASIS Filter Anne Bonny Wandile MajengePaul Peter Filter 1000 Filter 9 106.7559.19
2019-05-21Vaal Filter WESTERN OASIS Filter Anne Bonny Lyle HewitsonPaul Peter Filter 1600 Filter 5 53.2598.19
2019-06-23Turffontein Filter WESTERN OASIS Filter Anne Bonny Gavin LerenaPaul Peter Filter 1450 Filter 4 12.7588.94
2019-07-06Turffontein Filter WESTERN OASIS Filter Anne Bonny Robert KhathiPaul Peter Filter 1400 Filter 2 80.5087.63
2019-08-06Vaal Filter WESTERN OASIS Filter Anne Bonny Warren KennedyPaul Peter Filter 1400 Filter 1 8-2.0083.89
2019-09-05Turffontein Filter WESTERN OASIS Filter Anne Bonny Warren KennedyPaul Peter Filter 1450 Filter 5 65.5088.93
2019-09-19Vaal Filter WESTERN OASIS Filter Anne Bonny Warren KennedyPaul Peter Filter 1450 Filter 9 815.0090.61
2019-11-26Vaal Filter WESTERN OASIS Filter Anne Bonny Craig ZackeyPaul Peter Filter 1600 Filter 5 25.0097.28
2020-02-01Turffontein Filter WESTERN OASIS Filter Anne Bonny Calvin HabibPaul Peter Filter 1450 Filter 3 12.0090.07
2020-03-19Turffontein Filter WESTERN OASIS Filter Anne Bonny Calvin HabibPaul Peter Filter 1450 Filter 2 71.2589.01
2020-08-08Turffontein Filter WESTERN OASIS Filter Anne Bonny Sherman BrownPaul Peter Filter 1600 Filter 11 1010.25101.87
2020-09-29Vaal Filter WESTERN OASIS Filter Anne Bonny Warren KennedyPaul Peter Filter 1600 Filter 11 510.0099.33
2020-11-11Turffontein Filter WESTERN OASIS Filter Anne Bonny Warren KennedyPaul Peter Filter 1450 Filter 5 25.0090.92
2020-12-29Vaal Filter WESTERN OASIS Filter Anne Bonny Craig ZackeyPaul Peter Filter 1400 Filter 14 58.0082.94
2021-01-25Fairview Filter WESTERN OASIS Filter Anne Bonny Stallone NaidooGavin Smith Filter 1300 Filter 7 22.6576.27
2021-02-12Fairview Filter WESTERN OASIS Filter Anne Bonny Marco V'RensburgGavin Smith Filter 1400 Filter 7 64.5087.37
2021-03-19Fairview Filter WESTERN OASIS Filter Anne Bonny Jason GatesGavin Smith Filter 1400 Filter 8 811.6086.96
2021-04-23Fairview Filter WESTERN OASIS Filter Anne Bonny Shadlee FortuneJ A Visser Filter 1300 Filter 16 1013.6577.45
2021-08-13Fairview Filter WESTERN OASIS Filter Anne Bonny Francois HerholdtJ A Visser Filter 1200 Filter 4 53.5070.45
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